For a lead compensator, whose transfer function is given by \(k \

For a lead compensator, whose transfer function is given by \(k \
| For a lead compensator, whose transfer function is given by \(k \frac{s+a}{s+b}\); a, b ≥ 0

A. a < b

B. a > b

C. a ≥ kb

D. a =0

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Right Answer is: A


In general, the lead and lag compensator is represented by the below transfer function

\(\frac{{{V_0}\left( s \right)}}{{{V_i}\left( s \right)}} = k\frac{{s + a}}{{s + b}}\)

If a > b then that is lag compensator because pole comes first.

If a < b then that is lead compensator since zero comes first.



Pole zero plot










It is an electrical network that adds one finite pole & one finite zero to the system at the required location to achieve a good performance.

1. Lead compensator

2. Lag compensator

3. Lag-lead compensator

4. lead-lag compensator

Lead compensator:

1) When sinusoidal input applied to this it produces sinusoidal output with the phase lead input.

2) It speeds up the Transient response and increases the margin for stability.

A circuit diagram is as shown:

Response is:

\(\frac{{{V_0}\left( s \right)}}{{{V_i}\left( s \right)}} = \frac{{{R_2}\left( {1 + s{C_1}{R_1}} \right)}}{{{R_1} + {R_2} + s{C_1}{R_1}{R_2}}}\)

\(\frac{{{V_0}\left( s \right)}}{{{V_i}\left( s \right)}} = \frac{{1 + s\tau }}{{1 + \alpha s\tau }}\)

Lead constant \(\alpha = \frac{{{R_2}}}{{{R_1} + {R_2}}}\) < 1

Lag compensator:

1) If the steady-state output has phase lag then the network is called lag compensator.

2) It improves steady-state behavior without affecting the transient response.

A circuit diagram is shown

Response is

\(\frac{{{V_0}\left( s \right)}}{{{V_i}\left( s \right)}} = \frac{{\frac{1}{{s{C_2}}} + {R_2}}}{{{R_2} + {R_1} + \frac{1}{{s{C_2}}}}}\)

\(\frac{{{V_0}\left( s \right)}}{{{V_i}\left( s \right)}} = \frac{{1 + s\tau }}{{1 + \alpha s\tau }}\)  where α > 1

Lag constant  \(\alpha = \frac{{{R_1} + {R_2}}}{{{R_2}}}\) 

Lag-lead compensator:

  • Here both phase lag and lead occur at different frequencies.
  • Phase lag at low frequency and Phase lead at the high frequency
  • Improves both transient and steady-state response.



To remember the response of these compensators.

Lead – High: In both the terms 4 letters are present, and in the pole-zero plot first comes zero (it also has 4 letters). The response is like a High pass filter.

Lag – Low: In both the terms 3 letters are present and the first one is a pole, the response is like Low pass filter

Lag-lead: Response is like a Bandstop filter.

Lead-lag: Response is like a Bandpass filter.